Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Welcome Paisley Jewell!

Welcome Paisley Jewell Birch! Born on July 4th, 2012

Friday, June 15, 2012

Sawyer's "Actual" Birthday

Sawyer's 1st cupcake


Pool Time

Sawyer's Red Wagon Party

He is ready for his cake!

Yummy, that's good stuff!

Sawyer absolutely loves books!

Sawyer and his BFF, Elijah

Sawyer looking at his ABC/123 book from Auntie Deb

Here are a few pictures from Sawyer's 1st birthday party. I loved the idea of a "Red Wagon" theme so I went with it. We had such a great time! Sawyer is so blessed to have so many wonderful people in his life.  A Special thank you to my Aunt Deb and her (our) friend Shirley for all of the great ideas and hard work. And thank you to everyone who came to celebrate our precious little boy's !st birthday with us!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Boat Ride

Sawyer went for his first boat ride this past Saturday with his Aunt JuJu (Johnette). She invited us last week so we thought we would go out for a little while. Jade and I both love the lake so we try to go as much as we can. Sawyer loved it. He sat with his Aunt JuJu the whole time. This is when we discovered that he has hand, foot and mouth disease. It's a common virus that affects mostly children under the age of 10. It starts with a fever and a sore throat, then a rash a few days later and the blisters on his hands, feet and mouth. Poor baby! Johnette notices the blisters on his feet while we were out on the lake. There's nothing you can really do to treat this, just treat the symptoms. He was supposed to start daycare this week, but we've postponed it a little bit until he is better. This virus is highly contagious and I would hate for anyone else to get it. He has been in a great mood this past few days, just waiting for the blisters to scab over so we can be around people again. :)

Afternoon Swim

Sawyer got in his pool for the very first time over Memorial Day weekend.He absolutely LOVED it. I have a feeling we're going to have a little fish on our hands! Sorry, the pictures aren't that great, but I took them with my phone!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday, Sawyer!

On this day one year ago, God blessed us with our most precious gift, Sawyer Blaine Snyder. He has brought to our lives more joy and happiness in this one year, I can't wait to see what the future years will bring. Our lives are forever changed by this gift from God and we are so grateful we were chosen to be his parents. Happy Birthday my sweet baby boy! Mommy and Daddy love you so much!

Friday, May 11, 2012

New Car Seat

Jade got a new truck a few weeks ago and I keep forgetting to post a picture. Sorry, I just can't ever seem to remember to take one. Anyway, he is loving it and so are we. We usually drive it on the weekends to give my poor car a rest. Since Sawyer will be starting daycare soon, we needed another car seat for Jade's truck because I will take him in the mornings and Jade will pick him up in the afternoon. Sawyer seems to really like his new car seat and I'm glad! We are so excited about him starting daycare, he is going to learn so many things and make so many friends.....we hope! Please continue to pray for us and that this is a smooth transition for all us!!

Chunky Monkey

Sawyer is getting to be such a big boy! I can't believe he will be a year old next week. Sniff sniff! He went to the doctor yesterday for a recheck on his ears and they were both clear. Praise the Lord! We were certain he still had ear infections because he is constantly messing with them. He weighed 27 lbs and is 32 inches long. WE asked Dr. Sellers about starting him on regular milk and he said to go right ahead. So, we are going to try that. I'm hoping it will be a smooth transition. Pray for us and our sweet little boy!

Monday, April 30, 2012

1st Haircut



Sawyer got his first haircut on Friday, April 27, 2012 by Amy Duffie. He was so good! He just sat there like a big boy. Mommy and Daddy were so proud. Now, he looks like a little man. I can't believe he will be a year old in just a few short weeks!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Saturday Fun!

Saturday, we went to Kaleb's 1st birthday party! Sawyer had a blast! He was into everything! His little knees were black from crawling around on the floor. Kaleb's party was a Thomas the Train party and Sawyer got a little rubber Thomas as a party favor and loves it. Of course, it went straight to his mouth! Happy 1st Birthday Kaleb!

After the party, Jade and I dropped Sawyer off at my parents and we had a date night. We went to Auburn to eat at Outback. We had a great time, but we missed our sweet boy lots and lots. He had a great time with Mimi and Pop. I'm not sure who was more worn out, them or Sawyer. Although, I can say that Sawyer was asleep before we got out of their driveway. We had a great Saturday!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Sawyer had his first ever popsicle Sunday night and he loved it! We were outside and I was pulling him in his wagon when we heard the ice cream truck. I went inside to get some money and Jade. I got a fudge popsicle and Jade got some kind of jolly rancher popsicle and that's what Sawyer had some of. I bet this will be the first of many popsicles for my sweet little boy!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday, we got up and went to the Sunrise service at our church and the men cooked breakfast, so we ate afterwards. Then we went home to see what the Easter bunny brought and to get ready for the 11:00 service. After church, we went to my parents house to eat lunch with all my brothers and their families.

Thank you God for sending your son to die on the cross for our sins. This is really what Easter is all about, His resurrection. We serve an awesome God!